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"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." - Lily Tomlinson

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Student Interview


Within the first 2 weeks of being at my 75 hour clinical in a kindergarten classroom. I was able to find the two students that I wanted to do my student interviews with. My struggling student comes from a low income family she missed several days my second week there and she rarely ever comes to school with her homework done. She is struggling with almost everything my host teacher introduces to the class. My host teacher also breaks the kids up into three tables... table one being the high performing students, table two being the average students, and table three being the struggling students, she sets at table three. My high performing student obviously sits at table one. He speaks very well for being in kindergarten and he is always the first to raise his hand to answer a question. One day he was asked if he did his homework because it wasn't in his folder. He accidentally forgot it at home and almost burst into tears because to him that was a sign of failure. I have noticed he has a little trouble with his reading skills, but he talents in other subjects are outstanding.

Interview with the struggling student: 

Question: Do you enjoy school?
Student: Yes

Question: What kind of a student are you?
Student: A nice one.

Question: What do you do for fun outside of school?
Student: Play with my sister and baby dolls.

Question: How would your classmates describe you?
Students: Nice

Question: Who are you friends with?
Answer: Brooklyn and Elizabeth.

Question: What do you and your friends do together?
Student: Play on the slides.

Question: Tell me a good memory you have about school?
Student: Getting moved to the hard worker board.

Question: Tell me a bad memory you have about school?
Students: Nothing.

Question: Describe a "good" teacher or favorite teacher...
Student: Could not give me an answer for this.

What is on thing you wish your teacher knew about you?
Student: That I like princesses.

Interview with high performing student:

Question: Do you enjoy school?
Student: Yes.

Question: What kind of student are you?
Student: A good one

Question: What do you like to do for fun outside of school?
Student: Play video games, play with my friends, and play outside.

Question: How would your classmates describe you?
Students: Nice and Fun.

Question: Who are you friends with?
Student: Jaydon, James, Brandon, Braydon, and Carson W. 

Question: What do you and your friends do together?
Student: Play on the twirly slide and play freeze tag.

Question: Tell me a good memory you have about school?
Student: I got to move to the excellent student and hard worker board.

Question: Tell me a bad memory you have about school?
Student: I had to sit in the "take a break" chair, but only once.

Question: Describe a "good" teacher or your favorite teacher...
Student: Mrs. Rogers

What is one thing you wish your teacher knew about you?
Student: That I liked to play Plants vs. Zombies. 

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