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"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." - Lily Tomlinson

Sunday, October 14, 2012

Double Entry Journal #8

1. What is the main challenge being addressed in this book?

The main challenge being addressed in this book is "how to get all children- rich ans poor-to be successful in school, but to ensure also that all children- rich and poor-are able to learn, think, and act in new ways fit for our new high-tech global world" (James Paul Gee, 2004).

2. What does the author mean by the phrase "ways with words?"

I think the author means that "ways with words" is simply the way you speak. There are some people that when they speak you believe what they are saying maybe not because it is true, but because how they are saying it. It could also mean a certain way of saying words like in a restaurant or in different culture they have ways of saying words that doesn't make sense to everyone.

3. What is the core argument being made by the author of this book?

"The core argument of this book will be that people learn new ways with words to which these words apply compelling" (James Paul Gee, 2004).

4.Give an example of a specialized variety of a language or "way with words" you have learned outside of school?

I worked in an Italian restaurant for 4 years and we didn't always speak the words, but we would write them. For example, a large pepperoni, italian sausage, green peppers, onions, black olives, and artichoke hearts would be written.... LG pep, it saus, gp, on, bo, and art <3. Not everyone understood what that meant unless you worked there and had understood the "way with words" that were used there.

5. According to the author, how do people learn a specialized variety of a language or "way with words" best?

People learn a specialized variety of language or "way with words" when they can connect those words to an experience or situation.

6.  If people are to be successful in the 21st century, what must they become?

They "must become 'shape-shifting portfolio people'; that is, people who gain many diverse experiences that they can use to transform and adapt themselves for fast-changing circumstances throughout their lives" (James Paul Gee, 2004).

7. The author states that  learning academic language is NOT sufficient for success in modern society? Do you agree? Why or Why not?

I agree. Just learning the language in school is not the only thing you need in order to succeed especially in today's society.

8. What do you think about this author's "way with words"?

I really enjoyed the authors "way with words." I thought the introduction was very easy to read and  it felt like the author was talking directly to the reader.


Gee, James Paul, Situated language and learning: a critique of traditional schooling. New York: Routledge, 2004. Print. 

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