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"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." - Lily Tomlinson

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Where I'm From Poem

I am from the quiet mountains, from the friendly neighbors; home-made desserts and vegetables canned straight from the gardens.

I am from a house where home is truly where the heart is. Drinking coffee on the back porch swing while gazing into the green grass of the backyard where I used to teach my imaginary classroom.

I am from the lilac bushes that tempt you with their sweet smell and hummingbirds with their wings moving with every drip of sweet water they taste.

I am from home cooked family dinners and non stop conversation. From Brad and Delores Phillips, who taught me to to live a little, to love with everything I have, but most of all, to fight for myself.

I am from camp fires, four-wheeler adventures in the woods, and late night talks about life.

From hard workers that rise with the sun and keep going long past sun down.

I'm from Tucker Country WV, where apples are picked straight from the trees to be made into pies and the blueberries are mixed in the pancake batter.

From the summer afternoon walks with my brother and sister to return our library books and the lunch dates with my Paw Paw for hot dogs with coleslaw.

I am from a family where girls shoot guns, but always know how to act like a lady. From my dad showing me how a woman should be treated, and to never to settle for anything less then what I deserve.

I am from documenting special times with a quick photo, from always putting family first, and being my daddy's little girls with my mammas' kind heart.

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