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"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." - Lily Tomlinson

Monday, September 10, 2012

Double Entry Journal #4

1. Describe 3 things you learned about teaching and literacy development

 - I learned to not correct chidren when the speak incorrectly.
- I learned that student writting might improve if instruction is rooted from their dialect. 
- I learned that it is so very important to embrase a students dialect.

2. Give two examples of how the strategies for literacy instruction presented in this article reflect Culturally Responsive Teaching.

*Build bridges of meaningfulness between home and school experience...
Phillips says that in her classroom she hangs "maps and charts on which dialect patterns are tracked by country road and even family" on her walls. Students even interview parents and grandparents to find out about their language.

 * Acknowledge the legitimacy of the cultural heritages as worthy content to be taught in the formal curriculum... 
Phillips says, "I know my kids as individuals, and this is who they are. It's my responsibility to teach the learning standards, but not to change them or take away their dialect." 

3. Give 1 example of literacy instruction from your schooling experience and explain how it reflects or does not reflect Culturally Responsive Teaching.

I really didn't have a positive experience with Culturally Responsive Teaching because my teachers were always correcting my peers speech. I personally didn't experience it, but I know that it was difficult for the students the constantly had teachers correcting them.

4. Culturally Responsive Teaching Video 


Culturally Responsive Teaching. (n.d.). Retrieved from com/viewVideo.php?video_id=178980&title=Being_a_Culturally_Responsive_Teacher&vpkey=f2ea1efb58&album_id
Epstein, P., & Herring-Harris, L. (2011, Sept 15). Honoring dialect and increasing student performance in standard english. Retrieved fromhttp://www.nwp.org/cs/public/print/resource/3655

1 comment:

  1. You may strong connections between the reading and culturally responsive teaching! Use your own negative schooling experiences to help you create positive ones for your future students!
