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"I like a teacher who gives you something to take home to think about besides homework." - Lily Tomlinson

Monday, November 26, 2012

Double Entry Journal #13

1. Give an example of a "community of practice" in which you are currently participating in.
An example of a community of practice that I am currently participating in is FSU Reads. We recently did a community service project where we read a book about the community and then the students created their own bird feeders.
2.Why is the term "community" better defined in relation to spaces rather than groups of people?
Community is better defined in relation to spaces rather than groups of people because each person is different and they aren't always in the same group. 
3. What is a "generator"? What is it's counterpart in school?
A "generator" is what the space is about and in school it is content. 
4. What is a "content organizer"? What is it's counterpart in school?
The "content organizer" is how things are designed/organized. This is related to school because as teachers we are always planning and organizing or lesson, our classrooms, and how our content is presented. 
5. What is a "portal"? What is it's counterpart in school?
A portal is something that gives access to the content in the space. This may relate to textbooks or the Internet. 

6. What do people have an "affinity" for in an "affinity space"? How does this inform your understanding of good teaching?
They have an affinity for what they are interested in.This informs my understanding of good teaching because teachers need to see that students must be interested in, see the value in what they are made to learn because if they are not then the learning process can very painful or sometimes impossible.
7. How do "affinity spaces" support inclusive classrooms? Choose two characteristics below to make connections between "affinity spaces" and inclusive classrooms.
Affinity spaces support inclusive classrooms because they do not go against the people that are in it. A sense of community and sharing a common vision allows people to connect and work together. 
8. How are traditional classroom different from Affinity Spaces?
Traditional classrooms separate the students by depending on academic level. In Affinity Spaces the name says it all. It is a larger branch that allows students to learn in an "nontraditional way." 

Monday, November 12, 2012

Double Entry Journal #12

1. What is the main argument the author is making in Chapter 5?
The main argument that the author is making in chapter 5 is that their is a connection between video games and learning. 
2. What constitutes a theory of learning?
Patterns and Principles. 
3. Why did the author struggle to learn to play Warcraft III? What needs to proceed before good learning principles?
The author struggles to learn to play Warcraft III because he "failed to engage with it in a way that full recruited its solid design and learning principles (Gee, 59)."  Motivation needs to be proceed before good learning principles.

4. How would have the authors struggle with learning to play Warcraft III been interpreted in school?
The authors struggle with learning to play Warcraft III would been interpreted as a failure in school. 
5. What kind of learning experience might be better suited for at risk students?
At risk students might be better in an environment where they can play video games. 
6. Why does the school-based interpretation of "at risk" lead to bad learning?
The school-based interpretation of "at risk" leads to bad learning because they are not challenging the students. 
7. What do schools need to do to function more like a good game?
Schools need to challenge their students more.
8. What is different about how good games and school assess learners?
Schools give students tests and then based on those tests teachers decide what is best for the student. Games allow students to make their own decisions and choose what level of learning is best for them. 
 9. What are the attributes of a  fish-tank tutorial that make it an effective learning tool? How is it different than school-based learning?
The fish-tank tutorial allows the player to asses their own learning style by actually playing the game and learning how they learn best. This is different from the way that learning takes place in schools because in school, the student is assessed and then adults decide what is best for the student.
10. What is a sand-box tutorial? Why is effective? How is it different that school-based learning?
The sand-box tutorial is where the student is free to explore. It is effective because it allows the students to decide what the best way to learn is. This is different from school-based learning because in school, the student is assessed and then adults decide what is best for the student.

11. What is a genre? Why is it important for good learning?
Genre means the "type of thing something is (68)." It is important for good learning because the students needs to know what type of things teachers are asking them to learn.  
12. According to the author, what do learning and play having in common?
You are always learning something even when you are having fun. 
13. How are the skills test in good games different from skills tests in school?
Skills tests in school are not usually "developmental for the learner and not evaluative (73)."
14. How does RoN support collaborative learning?
He allows players to work in groups.
15. Match at least one learning principle of good games (on page 74) with each the following learning theorists you have studied in 3352:

Dewey #1
Vygotsky #12
Piaget #5
Gardner #14
Bandura #9
Skinner #15


Thursday, November 8, 2012

Fosting High Quality Formative Assessment

What is formative assessment?
A formative assessment is an on-going assessment, review, and observation in a classroom. Teachers use formative assessment to improve instructional methods and student feedback throughout the teaching and learning process.

What is the CENTRAL purpose of formative assessment?
The central purpose of a formative assessment is to help the teacher and student see if they are understanding the outlined goals and objectives. 

Connect a best practice in formative assessment to one research-based strategy.
The teacher can  asses their  students by having a checklist with criteria listed. As the student  meets criteria the teacher can place a check by their name to show they have met the criteria

Give an example of how a specific assessment can be used formatively and summatively.
A rubric can be used as a guide so that the students know what is expected of them, and then it can be used to grade the final product.

Give an example from your field placement related to formative assessment and timing.'
Formative assessment can be challenging especially for the younger grades. Since I have Kindergarten it is usually the first time kids are in school and they need to be assessed appropriately. My host teacher cannot expect the students to come to school reading and writing, while some might be able to, most students cannot. My host teacher assessed the students at the start of the school year on what they know and  been teaching the students all year to reach a goal and then be assessed again to see if they reached that goal.

What are some strategies to help formative assessment be more effective when providing students with feedback? 
The feedback given to a student should be timely, specific, and task focused.  The comments should provide the students with motivation to improve their work, not with the feeling of failure.

Name two advantages to high quality formative assessment. 
One advantage of formative assessment is a way for students to self monitor and keep themselves on task. With the feedback being provided from the assessments they know where they stand and what they need to improve on. Another advantage of high quality formative assessment is that teachers are able to see if a student does not understand a concept, and help the student if their are not understanding the concept.

What are some challenges to implementing high quality formative assessment? 
One of the biggest challenges to implementing high quality formative assessment is that they can be very time consuming. 





Monday, November 5, 2012

Double Entry Journal #11

1. What does the author mean when he says, "Learning doesn't work well when learners are forced to check their bodies at the school room door like guns in the old West."
Learning doesn't work well when students can not relate it to their experiences outside of school. 
2. According to the author, what is the best way to acquire a large vocabulary?
According to the author, the best way to acquire a large vocabulary is through action. If you talk with other you learn the meaning of words and the context in which those words are used in. 
3. What gives a word a specific meaning? The context in which it is used or the situation it is used in. The author uses the word work in different contexts... "go to work," "won't work." 

4. What does the term "off the hook" mean in each of these sentences?
a. My sister broke up with her fiance, so I'm off the hook for buying her a wedding present.
The person is not obligated to buy a present for her sister anymore. 
b. Them shoes are off the hook dog.
It means the shoes are really awesome or cool. 
c. Man that cat was fighting 6 people and he beat them all. Yo, it was "off the hook", you should have seen it!!
It was something really awesome and exciting. 
5. According to the author what is the"work" of childhood? Do you agree?
According to the author the "work" of childhood is play. Yes, I do agree however, when a child is "playing" what they might not realize is they are learning things. They are learning how to talk to their peers or communicate, they are using tools, team-building, and following/or sometimes not following rules.
 6. Why is NOT reading the instruction for how to play a game before playing a game a wise decision?
By playing the game first without reading the instructions allows you to be hands on with the game. When you read the instructions you might not understand the terms or the context, but once you are playing it you understand what you have to do even if you make mistakes first. 
7. Does knowing the general or literal meaning of a word lead to strong reading skills?
Knowing the general and literal meaning of a word does lead to strong reading skills because that means the reader has an understanding of the context that it is being used in. It shows that the reader has some experience with the word. 
8.What does the author mean by the terms "identity" and "game". Give an example of 3 "identities" or "games" you play?
The author means that there are specific roles that people have and there are certain ways those roles or "identities" are acted out.
1. As a student teacher I am expected to act in a certain way like my dress, my manner, and being on time.
2. As a daughter I am expected to finish college and always do my best.
3. As an independent woman I am expected to maintain a job and pay my bills on time.
9. According to the author, what is good learning? 
Good learning is learning the right moves in order to interact in the real world. 

10. How does understanding that being able to build a mental model and simulations of a real-word experience is closely tied  to comprehending written and oral language support of change the way you think children should learn in school?
This is something I feel very strongly about. When children can relate their real-world experiences it can help them understand things they are learning in school. I like to think of of it as a puzzle, students can take what they know and piece it together with what they are learning in school. 
11. Why is peer to peer interaction so important for the language development of young children? How does knowing this support or change the way you think children should learn in school?
Peer interaction is so important for the language development of young children because they lead to positive social and emotional development in children. Knowing this supports the way children should learn in school because teachers need to see that not all work should be a worksheet. It is very important to use cooperative learning groups in the classroom.